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HomeArtisan Market @ Old Canal Days

Artisan Market @ Old Canal Days

303 W 2nd St

Lockport, Il

Saturday, June 7, 2025, 10 am - 6 pm

Sunday, June 8, 2025, 10 am - 4 pm

Sponsored by

Lockport Woman's Club

Artisan Vendor

Apply Now @

Booth Central


The Artisan Market runs in conjunction with Lockport, IL’s OLD CANAL DAYS.

Old Canal Day festivities include food vendors, a carnival, music throughout the day into the evenings, fireworks and many more family friendly things!

The LWC Artisan Market serves as a charitable event, with every dollar earned devoted to supporting the Lockport Woman's Club community projects. This significant initiative aims to gather resources for an upcoming community project that will bring about positive transformations for the citizens and overall community of Lockport.  Previous projects include a new playground and new parking lot for Legacy Ranch.

Booth Fees for the 2-Day Artisan Market:

10' x 10' Booth: $150

10' x 20' Booth: $300

Corner Booth: $50

Electricity: $40


From the beach!

These Artisans REALLY have unique skills. See you at the market!

Please direct any questions to Heather at